Property Valuation Approach.

The 3 Important Property Valuation Approaches (methods) in Malaysia

The Malaysian Valuation Standard 2019 (MVS Standard 7) explained about property valuation approaches and methods. The approaches to valuation used by a Valuer in any valuation are the means by which the Valuer arrives at an opinion of value after having ascertained and weighed all relevant facts (physical, legal, economic and others) pertaining to the…

conduct business valuation situations

Why Conduct Business Valuation? Top 5 Interesting Situations

Conducting Business Valuation Exercise during Unprecedented Pandemic Times a Wise Move. Should companies conduct business valuations? Unprecedented pandemic will surely have an effect as to how companies perform and this will affect the value of companies. Businesses are very dynamic entities. The market environment has great bearing towards profit-oriented organizations. The unprecedented pandemic will surely…