
Top 5 Interesting FAQ about AGM or EGM in Strata Management

Question: How to deal with low attendance? Calling for AGM is impossible. Answer. Please check the register of parcel owners or strata roll, which containing the particulars of all parcel owners in the development area including the details of solicitor acting for the SPA [Section 30(1) and Section 72(1), SMA (Strata Management Act). More about…


Top 5 Interesting FAQ about By-Laws and House Rules in Strata Management

Question: What By-laws for parcel owners causing vandalism? Answer: Under Paragraph 20 in the Third Schedule (By-law) of SMR, the Management Body may without prior notice, remove or confiscate any property of a proprietor obstructed the common property. You may want to download the copies of Strata Management Act and their respective Federal Government Gazettes…

Inter floor leakage FAQ in strata management.

Top 5 Popular FAQ about Inter Floor Leakage in Strata Management

Inter Floor Leakage FAQ The Strata Management (Maintenance and Management) Regulations 2015 (“SMR”) recognizes the problems associated with inter floor leakage and provides for it systematically by laying out specific obligations, procedures and timelines for the relevant parties. Here are the most popular frequently asked questions. Conclusion In conclusion, inter floor leakage aren’t just a…

Property Valuation Approach.

The 3 Important Property Valuation Approaches (methods) in Malaysia

The Malaysian Valuation Standard 2019 (MVS Standard 7) explained about property valuation approaches and methods. The approaches to valuation used by a Valuer in any valuation are the means by which the Valuer arrives at an opinion of value after having ascertained and weighed all relevant facts (physical, legal, economic and others) pertaining to the…

strata management tribunal frequently asked questions.

Top 6 Popular Strata Management Tribunal Frequently Asked Questions

Strata Management Tribunal or Tribunal Pengurusan Strata is under Ministry of Local Government Development or Kementerian Pembangunan Kerajaaan Tempatan, Malaysia. The Strata Management Tribunal (SMT) is the legally recognized body that handles any disputes related to strata management. Its jurisdiction was established under Section 107 of the Strata Management Act 2013 (SMA) but does not…

conduct business valuation situations

Why Conduct Business Valuation? Top 5 Interesting Situations

Conducting Business Valuation Exercise during Unprecedented Pandemic Times a Wise Move. Should companies conduct business valuations? Unprecedented pandemic will surely have an effect as to how companies perform and this will affect the value of companies. Businesses are very dynamic entities. The market environment has great bearing towards profit-oriented organizations. The unprecedented pandemic will surely…

Developer handover to JMB or MC FAQ

Top 5 Interesting FAQ about Handover to JMB in Strata Management

Developer Handover to JMB FAQ Question: What is the timeframe of handover from developer to JMB? It should take into consideration the actual practical operations. For example, issuance of JMB (Joint Management Body) or MC (Management Corporation) certificate from authorities, opening of bank accounts, selection & appointment of property manager. Answer: It is a good…

Court decision.

Federal Court: Late delivery payment begins from booking fee collection

The calculation for late delivery payment to house buyers begins from the date the booking fee is paid. PUTRAJAYA: The calculation for late delivery payment to house buyers begins from the date the booking fee is paid, and not when the sale and purchase agreement (SPA) is signed, the Federal Court ruled today. (January 19,…

Court Decision.

Local authority in Malaysia pursue legal action using the Strata Management Act 2013 against maintenance fee defaulters

Maintenance fee defaulters. Local authority in Malaysia pursue legal action using the Strata Management Act 2013. SUBANG Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) is the first local authority in Malaysia to pursue legal action using the Strata Management Act 2013 against maintenance fee defaulters. And there would be more to come (maintenance fee defaulters), vowed MPSJ deputy…

Strata Management Chinese Article.

